Saturday, 9 March 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Hello bloggers, I've recently been nominated twice for the Liebster Blog Award! I have also been nominated for the 'Unique' blogger award too, but I thought that I'd do this as I've been luckily nominated twice. This was by the lovely girls Karina and Charlotte. Do check out their blogs because they are both amazing! 

Here are the rules:
1. Share 11 things about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions that your tagger has given you.
3. Choose 11 fellow blogs to nominate. The nominees must have under 200 Google Friend Connect followers and be told in a comment on their blog.
4. Think of 11 questions to ask the bloggers you have nominated.
5. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog.
11 Things about me:
1: I'm a beauty addict, I love all things make up and find shopping so fun! 
2: I can't stop taking pictures and I LOVE huge cameras!
3: I love Jessie J!
4:  My favourite lessons in school are probably Drama, Textiles, and I know I will like Photography when the GCSE course eventually comes!
5: If I find something really funny, I won't stop laughing. And yes, people do find it annoying, but I can't help it!
6: I never stop eating food, I just seem to burn it off quickly.
7: Carrying on from 6, I do a lot of sports and I'm always outgoing!
8: When I'm older I'd like to be a TV presenter as a career:)
9: I love challenges, if there is a game, I'm in!
10:  When I'm feeling happy and excited, I don't stop smiling:)
11: If I find a song really REALLY good, then I won't stop listening and singing to it!

My 11 answers- so for this I've decided to mix both Charlotte's and Karina's!:

1 Karina: If you were a celebrity for a day, who would it be?
Probably Beyonce, random but she knows so many famous people!
1 Charlotte: Favourite Make Up Brand?
Maybelline! I don't own much from there but I love it.
2 Karina: What's your guilty pleasure? 
Eating so much junk food...

2 Charlotte: Favourite Shop?
Boots, Superdrug, New Look & Primark! Sorry, but I couldn't pick...

3 Karina: What did you want to be when you were younger?
Blue Peter Presenter.

3 Charlotte: Your best piece of clothing(what you wear the most)?
Probably any one of my skinny jeans.

4 Karina: Do you have a style icon and if so, who?
Lots of beauty gurus on youtube, Zoella has such a nice sense of style and has the best outfits!

4 Charlotte: How much is the most you've ever spent on clothing?
I'm actually not sure- £40 on a jumper, I think?

5 Karina: What is your least favourite make up brand?
Probably 17. It's in boots, and it's not that it's BAD, but I only seem to like one product from them. Nothing seems to be GREAT and I don't know why but I really hate their theme!

5 Charlotte: The item of make up you can't live without?
No7 Intense Volume Mascara.

6 Karina: What's your love/hate product?
Revlon 3D Volume Mascara, Every now and then the formula goes a little less clumpy and it looks great, but other times it likes to look horrible.

My 11 Nominees:


My 11 Questions for the Nominees:
1: What do you prefer, Fashion & clothing, or make up & beauty?

2: What's your favourite make up brand and why?

3: What's the thing that you most HATE?

4: Where your favourite place in the world & why?

5: What's your favourite clothing shop?

6: What is your most used skin care item?

7: Do you have any pets, and if so what are they?

8: What's your favourite piece of clothing, the one most used by you?

9: What can't you live without?

10: What's your favourite food?

11: What's your favourite nail polish brand?

I'd like to thank again Karina and also Charlotte for nominating me for this awesome award. Thank you girls so very much!
 Thank you for reading, I'm so grateful for all of my followers!


  1. Thank you so much for this nomination Lizzie :) I have nominated you also, you very much deserve it as I love looking at your blog :D
    All the information is at this link:


  2. Congratulations on your award :) I love food too, I'm always eating :) x

    XOXO ANDY :)
