Friday, 18 January 2013

My Life At The Moment:)

Hellooo, today I'm going to do a chatty post about stuff that's happening in my life at the moooomento.

School: So soon we are actually going to have to pick our GCSE options, and if you are from the US or a country other than the UK and reading this, GCSEs are the exams we have to take when we are 16, to get us started with college, university etc. At this point in time, I think I know what I'm going to pick. We have our Core subjects, which consists of English, Maths, Science (Single, Double or Triple) and then PSHCE, but as my school is a Technology based school we have to choose one, which I have chosen Textiles- Sewing and Fashion. In my school we get to pick 3 subjects of our choice, and I think I'm going to choose Drama, History & Photography.

Weather: Today it has started snowing like mad! In my area it was like a blizzard- I was in English class when we found out we had to stay in the classrooms for break time, then on my 3rd lesson we went along and we got to go home! Woo for half days! It's meant to snow much more tomorrow, so I will show you all some pictures as I am going to take some:)

Make Up: I've been shopping (what a surprise) AGAIN as I do love it so much, I have decided that I'm going to start spending more on less of the expensive products. Quite confusing, but I'm basically not going to buy sooo much of the cheap stuff and instead spend the same amount on less things, but they would be more of the luxurious end of the scale. I.E: Revlon, Maybelline and L'Oreal are brands that I wouldn't usually go for, but I am going to start buying a bit more from them:) Expect some reviews soon!

I think I've covered everything, hope you enjoyed,
Lizzie xoxo

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